E-commerce Trends 2012

E-commerce Trends 2012

E-commerce is a rapidly developing industry that is characterized by constant improvement.

Today we are going to talk about e-commerce trends in 2012. It seems that in nearest future online marketing will finally erase all borders and limits still existing between manufacturers and customers, brands and locations.

So, let’s find out what the face of e-commerce will be in 2012.

  • First, online-marketing aims at personalized and interactive shopping experience. Thanks to the wide spread of smartphones online trading uses the opportunity to boost personalized shopping experience: price comparison, sharing reviews on social media and location-based deals are going to hold firm positions among e-commerce strategies in 2012. A huge number of marketers are likely to rely on Facebook social shopping opportunities. F-commerce will be extremely valuable for retailers, with the growing amount of users who “like” and share products in their news feeds.
  • Second, global integration is on the way too – various sales channels will work as a single system to meet the arising needs of the market. Brands need direct communication with their customers using all available channels. No wonder, we can observe the appearance of integrated ordering terminals in retail outlets of many retailers. Experts also predict that in 2012 e-commerce companies’ markets will expand beyond the borders of their countries more rapidly than before.
  • Tablet-mania. Being user-friendly, lightweight and portable with large displays, interactive media and useful apps, more and customers prefer these gadgets for every use including work, entertainment and shopping. The last of these induced many e-commerce website owners to think of responsive web design adjustment of their sites.
  • The times when people in their 50’s an older did not know how to switch a PC on should be forgotten. The latest research shows that more and more older people take the advantages of new technologies including online shopping. That’s why online marketers take into account this target audience considering new e-commerce campaigns.
  • To prevent the loss of customers caused by the inability to touch or see the products in full, e-commerce sites offer product videos. This trend is likely to be the key factor of successful e-commerce in 2012 too.

Here the video Interview with James Vizor, Ecommerce expert – e-commerce trends 2012:
